Dermatology Consultants of South Florida

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Skin Cancer Facts, Information, and Preventative Measures

We all like to spend time outside – particularly in the beautiful Florida weather. And people love that Florida allows you to stay tan all year long, too. But with great sun comes great risk. Even minimal sun exposure can leave you at risk for skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer with 3.3 million Americans diagnosed each year. The risk increases as you age, but is also one...
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The Skinny on Lip Fillers – Get Fuller Lips Fast

There are many different lip volume fillers on the market – Juvéderm®, Juvederm Voluma™ XC, Restylane®, and Belotero® to name a few. So we can’t blame you if you can’t tell the difference between them or even know where to start. We’re here to help.
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Use Radiesse® To Hide Your Age Without Hiding Your Hands

You’ve done everything you can to keep your face looking young and revitalized but have you forgotten about one of the other most age-telling parts of your body? Just as your face shows signs of aging, so do your hands. That’s right. Your hands can easily give away your age.
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Kybella™ – Sculpt Your Jawline and Reduce Double Chin

Do you have unsightly fat under you chin that you want to eliminate but don’t have the downtime to recover from a surgical procedure? Good news! Now you can get that defined jaw line and youthful profile you desire without surgery. The FDA has recently approved a new non-surgical treatment called Kybella™.
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