Top 6 Procedures Doctors Recommend to Patients in Their 60s

The decade of your sixties is a unique time for your skin. Even those of us who are genetically blessed with youth genes will start to not only notice the signs of aging, but actually want to do something about it. And if you’ve been good about pre-juvenation procedures (more about that here), you might not need to do very much to be pleased with your skin's health. But even the most diligent...
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Step-By-Step Guide To A Luxurious At-Home Facial

For patients to maintain healthy, youthful, and fresh skin, monthly HydraFacials are a must. The benefits of this medical-grade facial are immeasurable, including improvements in texture, correcting hyperpigmentation, diminishing fine lines, clearing acne, and reducing the appearance of pores. With such impactful results, most of us wish we could get a professional facial every week, if not every...
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Five Reasons Your Hair Is Thinning

Every single day, we shed our hair—approximately 100 strands a day. This process is natural, with many not even realizing or noticing it. However, some patients have experienced excessive shedding, leading to bald patches, thinner overall appearance, and even rashes. If you have noticed any of these symptoms, here are five reasons you may be losing hair and what you can do to revive hair growth.
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