Sep 27 2018

3 Foods That Are Bad For Your Skin


Your diet could be causing more damage to your skin than you realize. Read on to find out what foods you should be avoiding if you want to maintain a youthful, healthy glow. 

When we think about the potential effects of a poor diet, we frequently focus on the impact it may have on organs such as our heart, lungs, stomach, brain health, and more. But we sometimes lose sight of the largest organ in (or rather on) our body: our epidermis. Poor diet can strongly influence your skin’s inflammatory response, leading to blemishes, signs of aging, and more. Reducing your intake of the following foods may lead to you noticing a reduction in their negative impacts on your skin, and result in a healthier looking complexion.

Dairy Products

Several studies have found that cow’s milk may be associated with an increase in blemishes. One potential cause may be naturally occurring hormones present in cow’s milk. Your body’s hormones have an enormous impact on your skin, and disrupting that natural balance has been shown to lead directly to an increase in acne. And this may not be exclusively linked to milk—dairy products of all kinds can raise your risk. While dairy can contribute to a healthy, balanced diet, you may notice an improvement in acne breakouts if you are prone to them if you adjust your dairy intake.  

Soft drinks

Balanced blood sugar is vital to your overall health in many crucial ways, including the health of your skin. If your body is craving a sugary rush, substituting your favorite pop drink with a piece of fruit may satisfy your craving and spare your skin the potential for acne breakouts, fine lines, and wrinkles. Cutting sugar out of your diet entirely is not necessary, but treating sugary extras such as soft drinks as special splurges instead of daily routines may help you preserve your skin’s health in the long term. 

Processed Meats

Meats may be conveniently available at every deli, but the process they go through has been linked to causing wrinkles. While the exact cause remains unknown, experts have long speculated that the chemical process your favorite deli meats go through may be leading to inflammation and wreaking havoc on your collagen. In addition to the other health concerns you may develop due to processed foods, your skin could suffer long term damaging effects. If you are struggling with sacrificing your favorite lunches, try adding substitutes to the processed items like grilled chicken breast and lean proteins instead. 

Watching the effects your diet has on your skin can ultimately lead to a much healthier complexion, reducing the signs of aging, rosacea, and the number of breakouts you experience. You will find that a healthy balance combined with a powerful anti-aging skincare routine will result in a restored and youthful complexion, more even skin tone, and more supple, balanced skin. 

Concerned about aging?
Call us to for more information our anti-aging solutions for all ages and skin types.


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