Aug 08 2018

Skin: A Window To Your Health


Your skin acts as the first line of defense against much of what comes in contact with your body, providing a barrier between you and a host of threats that may negatively affect your health. But did you know that your skin can actually serve as a warning sign too? Below we mention the many ways your skin communicates with you about how healthy (or unhealthy) you truly are.

Sun Spots
Sun spots develop as you age and serve as a signal of how much you have exposed your skin to sun damage throughout the years. Much of this damage is inflicted during your youth so it is important to watch for any changes in freckles and sun spots as you age because they may be a sign of developing skin cancer. 

Dry, Itchy Skin
Skin that appears dry and feels itchy can be caused by a number of temporary issues, but if it continues for an extended period of time without relief it could be due to eczema. It’s also important to rule out any allergies you have to products you are using or foods you are consuming that may be the culprit.

Dry, Cracked Lips
Anything from an allergy to every day products to excessively licking your lips can result in chapped lips. However, if you are noting scaling near the corners of your mouth, speak with a doctor to rule out a possible fungal infection.

Swollen or Puffy Eyes
This could be anything from allergies to eczema, or it could be something as simple as contact dermatitis due to makeup applicators or skincare products that irritate your skin. If you experience frequent swollen eyelids or mild eyelid rashes, try swapping out the possible allergens with alternatives or visit a dermatologist if it persists.

Dark Patches
Not all dark patches are sun spots. Facial hyper pigmentation can occur in younger women and is usually related to pregnancy. The sun can make this condition even worse and hormones are usually to blame, however, aside from the cosmetic nuisance it comes with no other health risks.

Bruising that appears without any apparent cause can be caused by a number of different factors. Bleeding disorders, aging, thinning skin, or medications may be at the root of your troubles if you bruise easily and frequently, but it is always best to speak with a doctor if you are unsure of what might be causing them.

Adult Acne Under Your Chin
It’s no secret that as we age, our hormones go through some pretty wild mood swings themselves. Hormone imbalance can also lead to adult acne, particularly along the jawline and chin—even for those of us who did not have acne during our youth. This can sometimes be a result of menstruation or menopause, but the best remedy for this type of acne lies in our ability to handle and reduce stress. Keep those cortisol levels down by relaxing more and stressing less, and you may see a marked improvement in your complexion.

Chronic Rosy Face
While hormones can play tricks with us as we age and result in frequent blushing and body temperate shifts, chronic bright red skin and small bumps can be an indication of rosacea. Rosacea causes blood vessels to dilate, leading to bright red patches commonly found on the cheeks and forehead. Rosacea is a harmless cosmetic condition, but if it is accompanied by swelling, you should seek medical attention to rule out an allergy.

Hair Loss
Unexpected and sudden hair loss that appears in patches may be a signal of an autoimmune disease called Alopecia Areata. Alopecia does not pose any health risk and individuals who are genetically predisposed to it are usually otherwise healthy. However, if hair loss is sudden and extreme and occurs following an extremely stressful event or illness, it may be an indicator of telogen effluvium. This is generally temporary, with hair growth resuming within a few months. 

Unusual Hair Growth
Genetics and hormones have a lot to do with why we grow hair in certain places, but sometimes it can still appear in unexpected (and unwanted) parts of the body. If unexpected hair growth is presenting along with other symptoms such as irregular periods and sluggish metabolism, make an appointment with your primary care physician or gynecologist to rule out underlying health issues. 

Varicose & Spider Veins
While many of us consider varicose veins to be merely a cosmetic concern, they can be an important indicator of your circulatory system’s overall health and condition. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that are the result of faulty valves allowing blood flow in the wrong direction, resulting in pooling. If combined with a heavier weight, it could be a signal that your veins are under too much strain. Some other symptoms may appear like aching and swelling and there are both surgical and nonsurgical options that provide relief. 

Wounds that heal slowly (or not at all)
Infections can significantly decrease your body’s ability to heal a wound, but it can also be an indication of other issues ranging from blood disorders, diabetes, or even skin cancer. If a wound persists after 30 days, seek medical attention. 

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