Feb 27 2017

Reasons to Consider Age Spot Treatment

Those dark spots that are commonly seen on people’s skin are also referred to as age spots. This is because they are often associated with aging. People who have these places on their skin usually feel like they look older than they actually are. If you are in this situation, you may want to consider age spot treatment.

Age spots are usually caused by concentrated levels of melanin that form in small areas that are scattered throughout the skin. Melanin is a natural substance that gives the skin its pigment. Consequently, the more melanin that is present, the darker the skin will look. This is actually how you got that tan that you may have been working during the Summer months. When you spend time in the sun, especially when no protective measures have been taken to prevent burning, your skin makes additional melanin as a way or protecting itself against the harmful UV rays that the sun produces. When the melanin levels increase, the tan appears. If you repeat this over and over through the years, your skin will eventually contain pockets in which the melanin levels are concentrated in amounts that are much higher than the surrounding skin. As a result, the dark spots will appear.

Since dark spots are caused by excess melanin in those areas, getting rid of the spots can usually be accomplished by getting rid of the unwanted melanin. At Supriya Aesthetic Dermatology, we have a variety of age spot treatment options available. These may involve the use of medical-grade creams and/or various types of laser treatments.

Different types of lasers can be used as a way of treating age spots and resurfacing the skin. Once the treatment is given, the body’s healing processes will take over and produce new skin cells to replace what the laser removed. These new cells will be free from the excessive melanin that was there before the therapy.

Some of the most common reasons to consider age spot treatment include wanting to achieve a younger appearance, the availability of non-invasive treatment methods and the ability to return to normal life immediately or soon after the treatment. If you have dark spots on your skin, make an appointment at Supriya Aesthetic Dermatology to learn more about your options for age spot treatment. We have offices located in West Palm Beach and Jupiter. Contact us today to set up a consultation!

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