Sarah M Kubrick | Supriya Dermatology

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Ingredient Spotlight: Glycolic Acid

Ah, there’s nothing more satisfying than a good facial scrub. The gritty texture, the feeling of thoroughly clearing out dirt, the baby smooth skin afterward… but sorry, we’re not talking about physical exfoliators today. A lot of people think that if there isn’t a gritty texture, it isn’t exfoliating as much as it should be. This isn’t always the case though.
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Ingredient Spotlight: Lactic Acid

You’ve likely heard of the naturally occurring form of lactic acid that’s mainly found in your muscles and red blood cells, and your body relies on it to break down carbohydrates for energy. However, lactic acid has some pretty impressive benefits for your skin, and in the skincare world we rely on a different source of lactic acid to obtain those benefits.
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Ingredient Spotlight: Hydrocortisone

The first thing that probably pops in to your head with you hear the word hydrocortisone is itchy skin. And it’s true that this ingredient is at its best when you’re dealing with skin that’s particularly itchy while healing from some sort of trauma. But while hydrocortisone might be the first thing you grab when you get a mosquito bite, it can also help reduce redness, pain, chronic skin...
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Debunking The “Chemical” Myth in Skincare

We don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but terms like "chemical-free" and "all-natural" are just marketing fluff.
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Top 6 Procedures Doctors Recommend to Patients in Their 60s

The decade of your sixties is a unique time for your skin. Even those of us who are genetically blessed with youth genes will start to not only notice the signs of aging, but actually want to do something about it. And if you’ve been good about pre-juvenation procedures (more about that here), you might not need to do very much to be pleased with your skin's health. But even the most diligent...
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Ingredient Spotlight: Niacinamide

If it seems like niacinamide is being added to every skincare product on Earth, you might wonder what all the fuss is about. Niacinamide is certainly having a moment of popularity, and for anyone who cares about skin, this is great news.
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How To Handle A Pre-Wedding Breakout

A zit is probably the last thing anyone wants right before their wedding, but sometimes life, stress, and hormones happen. We’re here to offer some encouragement and help, so back away from the harsh exfoliators and zit extraction tools and try these simple tricks.
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The Best Types of Botox

There are more brands emerging since botox became the gold standard of anti-aging treatments, and it’s so mainstream that many patients don’t even think of brand names anymore—they simply ask for botox. But there’s a lot of slang and generalized terms being used that can make this injectable confusing for injectable newbies, and even patients who get it regularly might be unsure of the different...
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9 Skincare Ingredients That Turn Back The Clock

We get's hard to know what skincare products are going to live up to their promises and which ones won't. When you purchase what you believe to be products that are worth your investment, it's a challenge to separate buzzwords and marketing lingo from genuine, noticeable results. Since you can't drag your dermatologist to the store or have one sitting beside you while you peruse online...
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Remove Fat Non-Surgically with CoolSculpting, Emsculpt Neo & Kybella

You're doing everything you can to trim your body down to a size that makes you happy. You fit exercise into your daily regimen. You make wise choices when it comes to what you eat. You get your beauty sleep and steer clear of unhealthy habits. That's all well and good, but you still have fat that is hanging on to your stomach, arms, thighs, and chin. You don't want to go through surgery to get a...
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